Thursday, April 25, 2013


Welcome to the ISU Book Group blog.  This is both a platform to discuss the book "Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness" as well as a space to share your reflections and questions regarding the book. We intend to invite the author Ms. Schoeberlein David to join the blog.

We look forward to your participation.
Bob and Aimee 


Bob Fitzgerald said...

Welcome everyone! I am looking forward to posting and reading what everyone else thinks about the book. It has been challenging to find common meeting days/times which is understandable - hopefully we can communicate with each other through the blog. Also, mark your calendars for the December 2 meeting which is scheduled for 1:00 pm. The author has agreed to Skype with us which should be great. As of right now we are planning on meeting at U-High for that session. If anyone has any concerns let us know.


Bob Fitzgerald said...

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the book.

One of the themes of the book that has resonated with me is how important it is for teachers to recognize that students have needs beyond academic and that we can help them better understand what these are through mindful strategies. I was wondering if anyone wanted to share a moment where they recognized this with a student or whole class and took steps to see these needs were met.
